Mens section

The Men’s Section at Roseberry has a full programme of events including singles and doubles competitions. Entry sheets for all competitions are placed on the club noticeboard.

Men’s competitions are held on Saturday and Sunday with most competitions qualifying for handicap purposes.

A “Winter League” is played between November and March and is open to all members with an official handicap. This is played every Sunday throughout the winter, meet in the clubhouse at 8am to be included in the draw. A Saturday Sweep is also held between November and March for all members. Meet at 8am in the clubhouse.

The club also have a “Rabbits golf” team and an “Inters golf” team competing their respective leagues with other clubs from around the region. Full details of these can be found on the NERGA website.

Anyone with a current CONGU handicap of between 8 and 15 who is interested in playing in the “Inters” team, or with a current CONGU handicap of between 16 and 28 who is interested in playing in the “Rabbits” team should contact the respective team captains. Full details can be found on the member’s information pages.

Our 2024/2025 Men’s Captain is Nicky Younger ((Drop us an e-mail for contact details.))

roseberry grange golf club

Address: Roseberry Grange GC, Grange Villa, Chester-Le-Street, Durham, DH2 3NF
Tel: 0191 370 0660
E-mail: [email protected]